英语自我介绍作文 篇1inmysparetime,iliketodoanythingrelatingtoenglishsuchaslisteningtoenglishsongs,watchingenglishmoviesortvprograms,orevenattendingtheactivitiesheldbysomeenglishclubsorinstitutes.iusedtogoabroadforashort-termenglishstudy.duringthattime,ilearnedalotofdailylifeenglishandsawalotofdifferentthings.
expressonesubstancebyusingdifferentsounds.soiwishicouldstudyandreadmoreenglishliteraturesandenlargemyknowledge.中文翻译:我是xxx。我出生英寸我毕业的高中和英语专业。我开始学习英语,因为我是12岁。我的'父母 ……此处隐藏464个字……a perfect period for the beginning of a picture!
My grades: Chinese 89, mathematics 98, politics 100, history 100, geography 100, English 100, biology 100, the whole class first, all grade two!
After published scores, my in the mind to mention how happy, but I still feel there is insufficient place, that the two points of mathematics questions I can do, just at that time, it can't think of it, wanted to stay in the final to do again, after I have finished the topic about the spirit, the paper made up. Because of my negligence, I have deducted the points that should not be deducted. I should take these lessons and pay attention to them in the future. I believe, I will do well! As long as there is give, there will be success!